West Bay Initiatives and Volunteer Opportunities
West Bay Initiatives and Volunteer Opportunities
WESTSONG SENSORY GARDEN for People with Vision Loss
Proposal Directive
The proposal for the Sensory Garden is a combination of inspired elements for all visitors. Though primarily designed for those with vision loss, the garden is meant to be accessible for all and to engage in understanding each others experiences.
The entrance to the Westsong Walkway off Head Street in Esquimalt is being proposed for this garden due to its accessibility by BC Transit, the West Bay and Songhees Walkway, and by Water Taxi. The terrain is ideal for mobility functionality. The land proposed for the garden possesses a rich history beginning with original and ongoing stewardship of Lekwungen People

Volunteer Ops with HAT (Habitat Acquisition Trust)
Are you looking for opportunities to get involved with local environmental stewardship efforts? If you are interested in spending time outside in nature and getting your hands dirty, Habitat Acquisition Trust is looking for community members to join it’s dedicated team of volunteer stewards working to restore the native ecosystems at the Matson Conservation Area. If you’d like to be a part of this work, or would like more information about Habitat Acquisition Trust or the Matson Conservation Area feel free to e-mail max@hat.bc.ca or call 250-995-2428 to learn more and get involved!