Current Picture

Proposed Design

Project Name: West Bay Quay
Developer: Tenfold Projects
Address: 464 Head Street, West Bay, Esquimalt
The development provides a mix of 73 residential, commercial and retail units bordered by Head, Lyall and Gore Streets in an area that was once referred to as the ‘Triangle Lands’. The first phase has been completed and includes the Topaz building at 6 storeys and Lapas building at 2 storeys – both of which are completed and occupied – landscaping is also completed. The West Bay Café and Life Labs are tenants surrounded by a number of occupied live/work units and market condos.
An additional five-storey, six-suite building – the Sapphire which is touted as ultra-luxury – is approved and sales underway for the east side of the property. The new development will include a restaurant, patios and public spaces overlooking the marinas.