West Bay Residents Association
The WBRA is an organization of residents in the historic Township of Esquimalt, B.C. Become a MemberWest Bay Residents Association
The WBRA is an organization of residents in the historic Township of Esquimalt, B.C. Become a Member
Welcome to West Bay
The WBRA is comprised of individuals who live in the West Bay area and is a registered Society, constituted under the B.C. Societies Act.
We work to support initiatives that contribute to the vibrancy of our community, and to keep residents informed about issues that impact our neighbourhood.

About WBRA
The mandate of the Society is to promote the physical, environmental, economic, social, historic and aesthetic interests of the West Bay neighbourhood, including land use and development.

Our Neighbourhood
West Bay, located on the south-east side of Esquimalt, presents a diverse mix of local, pedestrian-oriented shops, businesses, eateries and a multitude of housing types, together with active and attractive streets, harbour-front recreation, and sunny open spaces.

West Bay History
West Bay is a thriving and attractive harbour-front neighbourhood. Its unique identity and sense of place are shaped by the area’s natural and human history.