Township of Esquimalt Council Information & Contacts


The Township of Esquimalt has made it easy for residents to receive information and updates in order to keep informed.  It is also easy to contact Esquimalt Council members and staff.  

The following is a cheat sheet to make your contact and participation easier.

  • Emailing Mayor and Council can be done through one address:  mayorandcouncil@esquimalt.ca
  • It’s a good idea to copy Corporate Services on the letter/email as it then goes to corporate staff as well (e.g., Laurie Hurst, CAO and others) and they will ensure it is added to an agenda if appropriate: corporate.services@esquimalt.ca
  • If it is about a development proposal then it is a good idea to copy Bill Brown, Director of Development Services on the letter/email: bill.brown@esquimalt.ca
  • Correspondence submissions for agendas can be sent to: corporate.services@esquimalt.ca, dropped in the dropped box located outside municipal hall, or mailed to Corporate Officer at 1229 Esquimalt Road, Esquimalt, BC  V9A 3P1. (Deadlines for correspondence submissions for agendas: 12:00p.m. (noon) the day of  the meeting.)
  • Sign up to provide public input or comment at a Council meeting by contacting the Corporate Officer by phone at: 250-414-7135 (sign up at 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting). Respond to comments made during a Public Hearing: Text or leave a voicemail at 250-883-6426 and you will be connected to the meeting to provide input by telephone.
  • Information regarding providing public input at public hearings, addressing and or presenting to Council and or appearing as a delegation: Public Input 
  • The Township will send alerts regarding upcoming Council Meeting Agendas, Newsletter, etc. Subscribe to email alerts 
  • You can watch Council meetings while they are in session or a taped version afterwards here. View Council meetings 
  • You can call the Township of Esquimalt Municipal Hall at 250 414 7100 and they will direct you to the appropriate area/person.
  • If your approach is to phone members of Council, it is best to send them an email first to schedule a time for the call. Council member’s email address (also staff’s) is First Name, then a period, then last name, then @ Esquimalt.ca…e.g.  Sam.Jones@Esquimalt.ca