Township of Esquimalt Basic Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Process

Updated: May 2, 2021


Have you been wondering about the process that developers take when seeking amendments to our Official Community Plan, or rezoning for a property?

Below is the step-by-step process that is involved, provided by Township Planning Staff.

  • Pre-application meeting with developer and usually the architect.
  • Application submitted.
  • Rezoning signs installed on the subject property by the applicant.
  • If there is an application to amend the Official Committee Plan, staff take a report to Council asking for authorization to circulate information related to the application to other agencies and organization such as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations, CFB Esquimalt, the Capital Regional District, neighbouring municipalities if it is near a border, the two School Districts, the parent advisory committee if it could affect a school, and if it could affect the West Bay area – the West Bay Residents Association.
  • The Official Community Plan information package is circulated to those agencies and organizations identified by Council. There is a 30-day response period.
  • Application circulated to other departments for comment.
  • The Township sends out neighbourhood consultation meeting notices on behalf of the applicant (the addresses are confidential and cannot be given to the applicant) to all owners and occupiers of property within 100 m of the subject site.
  • Applicant has neighbourhood consultation usually in-person but during COVID times this consultation has moved on-line.
  • Application taken to the Advisory Planning Commission and Design Review Committee for review.
  • Applicant may choose to make modifications to the application based on comments received from the neighbours, Advisory Planning Commission, and the Design Review Committee.
  • Staff draft the Zoning Bylaw Amending Bylaw.
  • Staff write Council staff report for first and second reading and authorization to schedule a public hearing.
  • Public Hearing advertised in the newspaper and notices sent to all owners and occupiers within 100 m of the subject site.
  • Public Hearing held. Once the Public Hearing is closed, Council can no longer accept any new information.
  • Bylaw given third reading – often at the same meeting as the public hearing.
  • Staff work with applicant to complete Section 219 Covenant and Housing Agreement if applicable.
  • Section 219 Covenant registered on title and Housing Agreement Bylaw adopted by Council if required.
  • Bylaw taken back to Council for adoption.