The Importance of Esquimalt’s Official Community Plan

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

Looking for a good read this summer? Something that is inspirational and is full of information about where you live, work and play? Then look no further than your very own Official Community Plan (OCP) for Esquimalt.  


Have you ever wondered what the Land Use Designation is for your property, or how the properties around you are currently zoned? Have you ever wondered what the long term vision is for your area, and which lands have been slated for increased residential density, for commercial or industrial use, or for some more specialized function, such as a shopping centre, school, or playing field? Do you know what provisions have been made for transit services and utilities, or development standards and design ideas meant to ensure that the desired quality of growth is achieved?

In our OCP you will find detailed maps that determine the layout of every piece of land, our street networks, sites for schools and parks, shops, public buildings and religious institutions. You will find goals, objectives and policies for future development that are mindful of the relationship between natural and built environments, and how those relationship interactions will impact us in the short and long term.


An OCP is especially important when people’s needs and desires change, and our built environment must adapt. When considering development impacts in established and historic neighbourhoods such as West Bay, an OCP helps facilitate those changes that are considered most desirable, including the manner and style by which buildings are laid out, and the design of public places.  

As we experience the complex mix of social and physical changes in our neighbourhood, and we struggle to meet the ever increasing housing needs of different groups of people, look to our OCP for how you can advocate for the best possible outcomes.

See the Official Community Plan